giovedì 7 marzo 2013


 This is the first time I write in English: there are two reason about my use of a foreign language. First, I'd like not to be understood by everybody. Second, I have to show I didn't lose  the knowledge of English. English for me is a strange language: when a naturally English-speaking says me anything, I've big difficulties to understand. It doesn't happen when I speak in  that same language with someone who isn't naturally English-speaking: in this case we understand each other very well. Maybe, because both of us haven't that particular british gnegnegnè or american mumblemumble covering words. I have not particular problems with written English: writing und understandig are quit easy for me.
 Closed this reflection, I have to say my heart is shared: shared  between  the desire  to see my brother who will visit us saturday and sunday and the desire to hide him my little car-accident. Only if he won't come, I may hide it, because car is not at home. Or I have to hope he doesn't mind my car absence. I'dl like he doesnt'know this story not to worry him. In this period, is busy with  great  jobs in new house  and I' d like he were concentrated, gay and without other fears, overall because of me.

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