domenica 14 giugno 2015


International Young Festival has begun in Berceto on  June 13th: little artists from India  have taken  their show in San Moderanno  place. At 6 p.m.  mayor of Berceto Luigi Lucchi  said: <I'm proud, as mayor, to have these special guests in our school. I'd like they  don't pay  bills of water, gas and light but it's not possibile. In every case, Carlo Devoti pays>. Carlo Devoti is the responsible of Festival who, before the show of Indians, said: <I'm happy  there are many representant of institutions. For these kids it' s important to feel welcome>. Than, Devoti  introduced the show: indian girls of <Maya Entertainment>  art school  danced, wearing their typical and much colored clothes,  for an half-hour. Firs dance was a prayer to thank the god of  richness, second one was to eliminate  every devil and the last one was to thank God for the success of their show. At the end, photographer Manuele Montali took an official photo of indian girls mixed with some children from Berceto.
Sorry if my English is not perfect, I show you some photos. ( Click on pictures to see them bigger)

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